When to Choose Loving Hope Hospice

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When to Choose Hospice?

All of us get concerned and worried when our loved one is diagnosed with a serious illness. As the disease progresses, we notice signs that a level of care or support may be needed in the form of hospice or palliative care.

Often times, we will not consider these types of services unless a physician tells us its necessary. This can delay the referral process. That is why we feel it is important for you to know that anyone can refer someone to hospice or palliative care to improve the quality of life for themselves or someone they know.

Hospice care is for those living with a serious illness whose current prognosis indicates a life expectancy of six months or less. Getting assessed for hospice care early is important, as multiple research studies have proved that hospice care may lengthen life expectancy and improve quality of life.

The Signs and Symptoms that may indicate it’s time to be assessed if hospice care may be appropriate for you or a loved one are:

  • Decreased alertness and increased time sleeping resulting in more time confined to a bed or chair
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • More frequent falls
  • Shortness of breath
  • Increased need for medication due to uncontrolled pain or symptoms
  • Increased number of trips to the ER and multiple hospitalizations
  • Increased difficulty performing tasks of daily living: getting dressed, bathing, preparing and eating meals, walking and getting out of bed

If you or a loved one notice any of these signs and symptoms in yourself or a loved one, please consider speaking with one of our dedicated healthcare professionals by contacting us at (877) 832-1144.

Why Choose Hospice?

Hospice is not just a place, it is a concept of care for terminally ill individuals, offering comfort and care to patients, their families, and caregivers. Hospice provides physical and medical care, as well as emotional, psychological, and spiritual support. It offers pain treatment and symptom control to patients in order to live a dignified life and focus on what is most important to them. It allows patients to spend more time with their loved ones in the comfort of their home, making new memories.

Hospice will provide the following benefits:

A dignified life till the end

Ability to make decisions about your care

A multidisciplinary team available throughout your care

More opportunities to come in term with your illness

Prevents unnecessary visits to the hospital

Care at the comfort of your home

Frequently Asked Questions

Here is a list of frequently asked questions about hospice that can help you decide your future course of action:

  • What is Hospice?

    Hospice is a type of care that provides comfort and support with a holistic approach to terminally ill patients, their families and caregivers. It focuses on physical, medical, psychological, emotional and spiritual needs of the patient.

  • What is included in Hospice?

    Hospice treatment involves pain management, symptom management, and, if necessary, physical, occupational, and speech therapy. For proper treatment, a multidisciplinary team of professionals, as well as medication and medical equipment, are accessible. Hospice care also covers psychological, social, spiritual, and emotional needs.

  • How does Hospice Care work?

    When you sign up for a Hospice service, a representative from that program will call you and set up an appointment. A nurse from the service will come to see if you qualify for the service. Once it is determined that you are eligible, the hospice care team will work with you to develop a customized care plan. This plan will serve as a guide to decide the details of the service as well as the frequency of visits.

    As your needs change, the plan will be updated. The hospice team will come to your home to assess your physical, medical, psychological, emotional, social, and spiritual requirements. You and your caregiver are especially encouraged to contact the service if you have any questions or if there is an emergency.

  • When is it time to begin Hospice services?

    When your doctor concludes that you have six months or less to live, you should sign up for Hospice care. If you wait too long to join a Hospice service, it may be difficult to receive sufficient attention and may result in numerous ER trips. Sign up for hospice care to avoid this and live a dignified life focused on building memories with your loved ones.
